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Robotic Process Automation ( RPA ) in logistics

Price On Call

  • Robotic Process Automation ( RPA ) in logistics
Price : Price On Call
Type : Sell
Date : June 23, 2023
Condition : New
Location : B-65, B Block, Sector 63, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201307

The ‘ Automation Revolution ’ is currently underway . Logistics companies have started incorporating RPA in logistics into their daily activities to improve their operational efficiencies and supply chain . A report by the World Economic Forum found that the digital transformation of logistics will result in $ 1 . 5 trillion worth of value for industry players and $ 2 . 4 trillion worth of societal benefits over the next decade .

Shipment Tracking

Well , Using robotic process automation ( RPA ), logistics can automate tracking vehicles and shipments . Experts estimate that efficient automatic solutions can replace 15 – 25 checker checkpoints and package display locations . Having solutions that work this way is the key to a consistent workflow that can lead to more or fewer savings than 30 % in the deployment phase . This application enables the logistics company and customers to know the status of their shipments through tracking synchronization and checking the details of their shipments . Using RPA in logistics , companies can automate pick – up , reload , and delivery status between any Transportation Management System ( TMS ) and external customers .

Order to Cash

Order to cash is a significant concern for accepting and processing customer sales orders . The challenges and difficulties required to recover money are errors , low profitability , cost overruns , time lag , order processing , etc .

Robotic Process Automation can automate many aspects of the process . It can assist in order fulfillment , eliminating and reducing the need for personal intervention . Enabled bots help customers retrieve required information and answer their queries in a real – time manner and help to deal with many issues such as data incompatibility , late payment , and improper handling .

Procure to Pay

Procurement is an essential part of Logistics . The procurement phase aims to obtain and comply with the terms and obtain building materials , goods , or services ( usually from external sources ). Proper utilization of automation tools can reduce manual labor and save 20 – 25 % on labor costs .

It is essential to understand that to reap the benefits of RPA , you need to apply it throughout the P2P cycle . Functions such as purchase and payment requirements can be fully automated with the help of RPA in logistics .



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