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Habb – e – Asgand is useful in Gout , Lumbago , joint pa

Price On Call

  • Habb – e – Asgand is useful in Gout , Lumbago , joint pa
Price : Price On Call
Type : Sell
Date : May 2, 2023
Condition : New
Location : all

Habb – E – Asgand is a unique medicine for joint pain . In Greek , hab is called a round tablet . Asgand has been used as Juze Khas ( Man Content ) inside it . That ‘ s why it is named Habb – E – Asgand ; it is a polyherbal Unani medicine for any kind of joint pain or inflammation due to pain . It is useful in the treatment of rheumatism , arthritis , gout , lumbago , and joint pain . It is also used in back pain and stiffness in the shoulders . Habb – E – Asgand has anti – inflammatory and anti – spasmodic properties which work to relieve joint pain



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